B Fundamental Constants

In all programs of the Tübingen NLTE Model-Atmosphere Package (TMAP) the values of the fundamental constants are the same. They are summarized in Tab. 3.

Table 3: Fundamental constants used in TMAP

c 2.99792458 ×10+10 cm s-1 velocity of light
e 4.80320425 ×10-10 esu electron charge
Fo 1.25 ×10-09 esu Holtsmark normal field strength
h 6.62606957 ×10-27 erg s Planck constant
k 1.3806488 ×10-16 erg K-1 Boltzmann constant
me 9.10938291 ×10-28 g electron mass
mp 1.6726217776×10-24 g proton mass
R 109737.31568539 cm-1 Rydberg constant

4 × arctan 1