List of Tables
Data flow
0 Overview
1 Creation of the Executables
2 Creation of Atomic Data Files
 2.1 Level Names (TMAP Code)
 2.2 List of Keywords for the Atomic Data File
 2.3 Description of the Keywords
 2.4 TMAD
 2.5 ATOMS2
 2.6 TIRO
 2.7 Auxiliary Programs
3 Creation of Frequency Grids
4 Start Models
 4.1 PRO2 and LINE1 Models
 4.2 “LTE” Models
 4.3 Calculation of a LTE2 Model
5 NLTE Models: PRO2
 5.1 The Method
 5.3 Input and Output Files
 5.4 Input Options
 5.5 Output Options
6 Adjust the log m Intervals of Existing Models: CUTM and NDSCALE
 6.1 Adjust log m Intervals of Models
7 Interpolate between Existing Models: INTER
 7.1 Interpolate between Existing Models
8 NLTE Line Formation and Models: LINE1
 8.1 Input Files
 8.2 Output Files
 8.3 Options
9 Synthetic Spectra: LINE1_PROF
10 Clean Up
 10.1 Delete TMAP Working Directories
 10.2 Kill TMAP Jobs
11 Auxiliaries
 11.1 PLADD
 11.2 PROF1
 11.3 PLXY
 11.4 RTFZ
 11.5 TEUV
 11.6 WRPLOT
A Formula Collection
 A.1 CBB Transitions
 A.2 CBF Transitions
 A.3 RBB Transitions
 A.4 RBF Transitions
 A.5 RFF Transitions
B Fundamental Constants
C Solar Abundances
D How to calculate a NLTE model with TMAP
 D.1 Basics
 D.2 Creation of atomic data files with ATOMS2
 D.3 Creation of a frequency grid with SETF2
 D.4 Adaption of the Parameter files
 D.5 Calculation of a start model with LTE2
 D.6 Calculation of a NLTE model with PRO2
 D.7 Strategy to calculate a NLTE model with PRO2
 D.8 Example: A model with hydrogen and helium
 D.9 Naming the TMAP models
E Colors
F References