6 Adjust the log m Intervals of Existing Models: CUTM and NDSCALE

6.1 Adjust log m Intervals of Models

One boundary condition of TMAP is that at least the outer two depth points have to be optically thin and at least the inner two depth points have to be optically thick.

For the calculation of model grids, it is an advantage to use approximately the same log m interval for all models as well as the frequency grids (see above).

In case of numerical instabilities it may be helpful to adjust the log m interval of existing models. This is done by CUTM (to reduce the log m interval, both minimum and maximum) and EXTEND (to reduce the minimum log m).

Since the number of depth points will deviate from the standard of 90, NDSCALE can interpolate models with any number of depth points to a new models with a chosen number of depth points.

6.1.1 Reduce the Depth Interval: CUTM

First copy a binary TMAP model (90 depth points) to the file MODIN, and start e.g. /home/rauch/bimod/cutm.Linux_X86. CUTM asks for the log m interval and writes the reduced model to the file MODOUT. The following displays an example batch-job file for CUTM:

set +x;. ${HOME}/.jobstart
# do not edit the beginning of this file
## own job following ##
cp <binary input model> MODIN
/home/rauch/bimod/cutm${sys} << eos
mv MODOUT <binary output model>
# do not edit the rest of this file
set +x; ${HOME}/.jobend ${TMPDIR}

6.1.2 Extend a Model Atmosphere to the Outside: EXTEND

Start with the creation of a formatted TMAP model and copy it to the file MODIN. Write the number ND of depth points of this models into the file MODIN_ND. and start e.g. /home/rauch/bimod/extend.Linux_X86. EXTEND asks for the log m minimum and writes the extended model to the file MODOUT. The following displays an example batch-job file for EXTEND:

set +x;. ${HOME}/.jobstart
# do not edit the beginning of this file
## own job following ##
echo ``90'' > MODIN_ND
cp <formatted input model> MODIN
/home/rauch/bimod/extend${sys} << eos
mv MODOUT <binary output model>
# do not edit the rest of this file
set +x; ${HOME}/.jobend ${TMPDIR}

6.1.3 Interpolate Models for a New Depth-Point Number: NDSCALE

NDSCALE can interpolate a model to a new number of depth points. The may be necessary in case that the log m interval of a model was adjusted (Sect. 6.1).

Copy a binary TMAP model to the file MODIN, and start e.g. /home/rauch/bimod/ndscale.Linux_X86. NDSCALE asks for the old and new number of depth points and writes the interpolated model to the file MODOUT. The following displays an example batch-job file for NDSCALE:

set +x;. ${HOME}/.jobstart
# do not edit the beginning of this file
## own job following ##
cp <binary input model> MODIN
/home/rauch/bimod/ndscale${sys} << eos
mv MODOUT <binary output model>
# do not edit the rest of this file
set +x; ${HOME}/.jobend ${TMPDIR}