
Final announcement
2nd announcement
1st announcement
Final Announcement
Tübingen, Germany, August 16-20, 2010
Dear colleagues,
this is the final announcement for our conference.
Please find the conference programme
here. There is also a list of
announced poster presentations.
The conference venue has changed, see webpage for details. A
conference ticket for local transport will be provided.
Visa: In case you want to participate in the excursion, we
would like to remind those of you who need to apply for a visa to
make sure that it is valid for Schengen states, because the trip
takes us into Switzerland. (Text on the visa reads "valid for
Schengen states" in the respective language of the issuing
country - in german: gültig fuer Schengener Staaten).
If you have not done yet, please register for social events to
make our plannings easier.
Posters: You can put up your poster
(maximum size 84x118cm upright - the German DIN A0 format)
at the space reserved by a tag
with your name, on Monday morning from 8:00 am. Fixing material
will be available. Posters are on display all week.
WLAN: internet access will be available at the conference venue.
Orientation in Tübingen: there are new detailed maps on our web
page to help you finding the meeting point for the Sunday 4:30 pm
guided town tour, the restaurant "Casino am Neckar" (for the
Sunday 6:30 pm gathering), the conference venue in the CRONA
clinics, and our institute (IAAT, for the Monday 6:30 pm reception
and Friday 6:00 pm Farewell Party).
You will also find maps in your conference folder.
Hotels: Those who have told us in which hotels they are booked
will receive their personal conference folder at the hotel
reception. The conference ticket, which is valid for local bus
transportation, is in the folder. It is valid from Sunday through
Travel support: For those of you who will receive financial
support, we will hand out the confirmed amount (minus conference
fee and conference-dinner fee) in cash (€) upon registration.
We are looking forward to meet you in Tübingen and wish you a
safe trip!
On behalf of the LOC and SOC,
K. Werner and T. Rauch
Tübingen, July 7, 2010
2nd Announcement
Tübingen, Germany, August 16-20, 2010
Dear colleagues,
the preparation of our conference is continuing and this announcement is to
update you on the most important developments. For details we refer to our
conference webpage:˜rauch/EUROWD10.html
If you are interested to participate please fill out the REGISTRATION FORM on
the webpage. In order to make our plannings easier, please register soon, perhaps
NOW, it takes only a minute. You can submit a contribution title but will be
able to revise it later.
The CONFERENCE FEE is 300 Euro for early registration and 400 Euro for late
registration, payable in cash on registration at the meeting or preferably by
bank transfer. In the latter case please make sure that we receive the full
amount and give us the keywords EUROWD10 as well as your name.
account details |
bank name: | Commerzbank |
account owner: | Dr. Thomas Rauch |
account no.: | 03 479 936 00 |
BLZ: | 640 800 14 |
IBAN: | DE94 64080014 0347993600 |
The fee includes a copy of the proceedings book, a welcome reception on Sunday
evening before the conference, a reception at the Institute for Astronomy and
Astrophysics on Monday evening, a conference ticket for local transport, and
coffee breaks.
All contributions (talks and posters) will be printed in the
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings.
The VENUE of the conference is the Auditorium Maximum of the University; see map
on our webpage for the location. It is in walking distance of most hotels in the
town center. Every participant will receive a conference bus ticket.
We have limited funds available for FINANCIAL SUPPORT of participants. Please
indicate with your registration if you need support and let us know to what
extent this help is essential for your participation. If you need financial
assistance please answer these questions:
- Do you need us to waive the conference registration fee?
- Do you need financial help with accommodation?
- Do you need financial help with travel expense?
SOCIAL EVENTS: Please register as early as possible to make our planning easier.
- Abstract submission (talk/poster): June 1st
- Request for financial support: June 1st
For registration and detailed information see our CONFERENCE WEBSITE:˜rauch/EUROWD10.html
Planetary Systems beyond the Main Sequence
We would like to point out a conference on
Planetary Systems beyond the Main Sequence
taking place in (relatively close-by) Bamberg
on August 11 - 14, 2010 directly before our workshop.
Please find details here:
On behalf of the SOC and LOC,
K. Werner and T. Rauch
Tübingen, Mar 18, 2010
1st Announcement
Tübingen, Germany, August 16-20, 2010
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the 17th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, to be held in Tübingen
next summer. This meeting continues the series of workshops which started in Kiel, Germany, in
1974, and came to Kiel again in 1984, 1994, and 2004. The last workshop took place last year in
Barcelona (Spain).
The topics to be covered in the conference will be similar to those of the previous meetings. Therefore,
contributions in all areas of white dwarf (WD) research are welcome, including
properties of WDs in binaries, but excluding the general fields of CVs, sdB stars and planetary nebulae.
A tentative list of topics is:
WD structure and evolution
Progenitors and central stars of planetary nebulae
Binaries: WDs in CVs, double degenerates, WD/brown dwarf systems, etc.
WD's dust disks and planetary systems
Atmospheres, chemical composition, magnetic fields
Pulsating WDs
WDs in stellar clusters and in the halo
WDs as SN Ia progenitors
Concerning the format of the workshop, we want to maintain the spirit of previous conferences,
thus allowing for oral contributions of around 20 minutes. Poster contributions are also welcome.
Please, inform any interested colleague, because our mailing list might be not complete.
Details about registration, publication of the proceedings, travel and accommodation and local information,
are posted in the conference web page (see below).
If you are interested to participate and to contribute an oral or
poster presentation please fill out the registration
form on our web page before the stated deadline. The registration fee will be
€ 300 and € 400 for early and late registration, respectively.
We suggest to book your hotel room early because Tübingen is a touristic place.
In case of positive assessment by the German Research Foundation,
limited funds will be available to assist with a part of travel
expenses. We intend to publish printed proceedings with ASP or AIP.
Contact addresses:
Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics
Eberhard Karls University
72076 Tübingen
Tel: +49 7071 2972486
Fax: +49 7071 293458
Scientific Organising Committee:
(United Kingdom)
(United Kingdom)
(United Kingdom)
(Germany, Chair)
Local Organising Committee:
(Conference Secretary)
(IAAT Secretary)
We look forward to meeting you next August in Tübingen.
Warmest regards,
K. Werner and T. Rauch
Tübingen, Sep 15, 2009
Final announcement
2nd announcement
1st announcement