[AIT logo]

Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
[Uni logo]

Hinweis: Einige Seiten auf astro.uni-tuebingen.de können veraltet sein und werden nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Note: Some webpages at astro.uni-tuebingen.de may be outdated and will no longer be updated.

Scratch Disks

To speed up computations by access to local disks and to minimize the load of the network, most computers at IAAT are equipped with a local scratch disk. This disk can be accessed under the canonical name /scratch. Depending on funding it is planned to equip all of our machines with such a disk. Data on /scratch are solely accessible on the local computer and are not backuped. The /scratch disks are thought for the short-term storage of large amounts of data (e.g., CCD-Frames, lightcurves, intermediate results of computations, input data for computations, etc.), and not for the long-term storage of data or as a place to store private FTP data.

Depending on how long the data are needed, users are requested to generate a subdirectory in /scratch/daily or /scratch/weekly using their own user-id as the name of the directory. Data in these subdirectories is automatically deleted without any warning 24 hours or 7 days after the last access to the data.

The following /scratch-disks are currently available:

 aitos1:  9GB     aitos2:  9GB     aitos3:  9GB
 aitli01: 1GB     aitli02: 3GB     aitli03: 3GB     aitli04: 3GB
 aitxu3:  2GB

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Jörn Wilms | Impressum
Last modified 2001 Apr 23