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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, GermanyNew Address! -- Neue Adresse! |
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Prints screen or image array onto a Postscript file or printer. Information from FITS header is optionally used for labeling.
HEADER - FITS header string array. Object and astrometric info from the FITS header will be used for labeling, if available IMAGE - if an array is passed through this parameter, then this image will be used rather than reading off the current window. This allows easy use of large images. It is usually preferable to optimally byte scale IMAGE before supplying it to TVLASER
BARPOS - A four- or five-element vector giving the position and orientation of the color bar. The first four elements [X0,Y0,XSize,YSize] indicate the position and size of the color bar in INCHES, relative to origin of the displayed image. (X0,Y0) are the position of the lower left corner and (XSize,YSize) are the width and height. The fifth element is optional, and if present, the color bar will be printed horizontally rather than vertically. If BARPOS is set to anything but a four- or five-element vector, the bar is NOT printed. The default value is BARPOS = [-0.25, 0.0, 0.2, 2.0] BOTTOMDW - The lowest value to use in building the density wedge. Used with NCOLORSDW. Compatible with BOTTOM and NCOLORS keywords of XLOADCT. CARROWS - The color to print the North-East arrows. Default is dark. Three types of values can be passed: SCALAR: that value's color in the current color table 3-ELEMENT VECTOR: the color will be [R,G,B] STRING: A letter indicating the color. Valid names are: 'W' (white), 'D' (dark/black), 'R' (red), 'G' (green), 'B' (blue), 'T' (turquoise), 'V' (violet), 'Y' (yellow), If the keyword is set to a value of -1, the arrows are NOT printed. COLORPS - If present and non-zero, the idl.ps file is written using color postscript. COMMENTS - A string that will be included in the comment line below the image. For multi-line comments you can either use "!C" in the string as a carriage return {although the vertical spacing might be a little off} or, preferably, make the COMMENTS a string array with each line as a separate element. CLABELS - Color to print the labels, same format as for CARROWS. CSIZE - Color to print the size-scale bar and label, same format as for CARROWS. CTITLE - Color to print the title, same format as for CARROWS. DX,DY - offsets in INCHES added to the position of the figure on the paper. As is the case for the device keywords XOFFSET and YOFFSET, when in landscape mode DX and DY are the same *relative to the paper*, not relative to the plot (e.g., DX is the horizontal offset in portrait mode, but the *vertical* offset in landscape mode). ENCAP - If present and non-zero, the IDL.PS file is written in encapsulated postscript for import into LaTeX documents FILENAME - scalar string giving name of output postscript file. Default is idl.ps. Automatically sets /NODELETE HEADER = FITS header. This is an alternative to supplying the FITS header in the first parameter. HELP - print out the sytax for this procedure. INTERP - If present and non-zero, current color table will be interpolated to fill the full range of the PostScript color table (256 colors). Otherwise, the current color table will be directly copied. You probably will want to use this if you are using IMAGE keyword and a shared color table. MAGNIFY - The net magnification of the entire figure. At this point, the figure is not automatically centered on the paper if the value of MAGNIFY is not equal to 1, but the DX and DY keywords can be used to shift location. For example, to fit a full plot on the printable area (8.5x8.5 inches) of the Tek PhaserIISD color printer use: MAGNIFY=0.8, DX=0.5, DY=0.5.; NCOLORSDW - The number of values to include in the density wedge. Used with BOTTOMDW. Compatible with BOTTOM/NCOLORS keywords of XLOADCT. NoCLOSE - If present and non-zero, then the postscript file is not closed (or printed), the device is set to 'PS', and the data coordinate system is set to match the image size. This allows the user to add additional plotting commands before printing. For example, to include a 15 pixel circle around a source at coordinates (150,160), around an image, im, with FITS header array, h IDL> tvlaser,h,im,/NoClose ;Write image & annotation IDL> tvcircle,15,150,160,/data ;Draw circle IDL> device,/close ;Close postscript file & print NoDELETE - If present and non-zero, the postscript file is kept AND is also sent to the printer NoEIGHT - if set then only four bits sent to printer (saves space) NO_PERS_INFO - if present and non-zero, output notation will NOT include date/user block of information. NoPRINT - If present and non-zero, the output is sent to a file (default name 'idl.ps'), which is NOT deleted and is NOT sent to the printer. NoRETAIN - In order to avoid possible problems when using TVRD with an obscured window, TVLASER will first copy the current window to a temporary RETAIN=2 window. Set /NORETAIN to skip this step and improve performance PORTRAIT - if present and non-zero, the printer results will be in portrait format; otherwise, they will be in landscape format. If labels are requested, image will be in portrait mode, regardless PRINTER - scalar string giving the OS command to send a the postscript file to the printer. Under Unix, the default value of PRINTER is 'lpr ' while for other OS it is 'print ' REVERSE - if present and non-zero, color table will be fliped, so black and white are reversed. SCALE - if present and non-zero, image will be bytscaled before being sent to postscript file. TITLE - if present and non-zero, the string entered here will be the title of the picture. Default is the OBJECT field in the header (if present). TRUECOLOR - if present and non-zero, the postscript file is created using the truecolor switch (i.e. true=3). The colorbar is not displayed in this mode. XDIM,YDIM - Number of pixels. Default is from !d.x_size and !d.y_size, or size of image if passed with IMAGE keyword. XSTART,YSTART - lower left corner (default of (0,0))
IMAGEOUT = the image byte array actually sent to the postscript file.
A postscript file is created in the current directory. User must have write privileges in the current directory. The file is named idl.ps unless the FILENAME keyword is given. The file is directed to the printer unless the /ENCAP, /NoCLOSE, or /NOPRINT keywords are given. After printing, the file is deleted unless the /NODELETE or FILENAME keywords are given.
Read display or take IMAGE and then redisplay into a postscript file. If a header exists, printout header information. If header has astrometry, then print out orientation and scale information.
1) Send a true color image (xsize,ysize,3) to a printer (i.e. print23l), tvlaser,huv,cpic,/colorps,/truecolor,printer="print23l" % TVLASER: Now printing image: $print23l idl.ps
Major rewrite from UIT version W. Landsman Dec 94 Massive rewrite. Added North-East arrows, pixel scale bar, color bar, and keywords DX, DY, MAGNIFY, INTERP, HELP, and COMMENTS. Created ablility to define colors for annotation and text. Repositioned text labels. J.Wm.Parker, HITC, 5/95 Make Header and Image parameters instead of keywords. Add PRINTER keyword. Include alternate FITS keywords. W. Landsman May 97 Copy to a RETAIN=2 window, work without FITS header W. Landsman June 97 Cleaner output when no astrometry in header W. Landsman June 97 Added /INFO to final MESSAGE W. Landsman July 1997 12/4/97 jkf/acc - added TrueColor optional keyword. Added /NoClose keyword, trim Equinox format W. Landsman 9-Jul-1998 Don't display coordinate labels if no astrometry, more flexible formatting of exposure time W. Landsman 30-Aug-1998 BottomDW and NColorsDW added. R. S. Hill, 1-Mar-1999 Apply func tab to color bar if not colorps. RSH, 21 Mar 2000 Fix problem with /NOCLOSE and unequal X,Y sizes W. Landsman Feb 2001 Use TVRD(True=3) if /TRUECOLOR set W. Landsman November 2001
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