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To test whether a tag name exists in a structure.
Routine obtains a list of tagnames and tests whether the requested one exists or not. The search is recursive so if any tag names in the structure are themselves structures the search drops down to that level. (However, see the keyword TOP_LEVEL).
status = TAG_EXIST(str, tag, [ INDEX =, /TOP_LEVEL ] )
str - structure variable to search tag - tag name to search for, scalar string
Function returns 1b if tag name exists or 0b if it does not.
TOP_LEVEL = If set, then only the top level of the structure is searched.
INDEX = index of matching tag, scalar longward, -1 if tag name does not exist
Determine if the tag 'THICK' is in the !P system variable IDL> print,tag_exist(!P,'THICK')
None. MODIFICATION HISTORY: : Written, C D Pike, RAL, 18-May-94 Passed out index of matching tag, D Zarro, ARC/GSFC, 27-Jan-95 William Thompson, GSFC, 6 March 1996 Added keyword TOP_LEVEL Zarro, GSFC, 1 August 1996 Added call to help Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Use SIZE(/TNAME) rather than DATATYPE() W. Landsman October 2001
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