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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieWaldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Open a Space Telescope formatted (STSDAS) header file.
Saves the parameters required subsequent SX routines in the common block Stcommn. Optionally save the header in the string array Header, and the history in the string array History. Open the data file associated with this header on the same unit.
SXOPEN, Unit, Fname [, Header [,History] [,Access]]
Unit = IDL unit used for IO. Must be from 1 to 9. Fname = File name of header file. Default extension is .hhh for header files and .hhd for data files. If an extension is supplied it must have the form .xxh where xx are any alphanumeric characters. The data file must have extension .xxd No version number is allowed. Most recent versions of the files are used.
Access = 'R' to open for read, 'W' to open for write.
Stcommn = Common block containing ST parameter blocks. (Long arrays.)
Header = 80 char by N string array containing the names, values and comments from the FITS header. Use the function SXPAR to obtain individual parameter values. History = String array containing the value of the history parameter.
STCOMMN - Contains RESULT(20,10) where RESULT(i,LUN) = 0 - 121147 for consistency check, 1 - Unit for consistency, 2 - bitpix, 3 - naxis, 4 - groups (0 or 1), 5 - pcount, 6 - gcount, 7 - psize, 8 - data type as idl type code, 9 - bytes / record, 10 to 10+N-1 - dimension N, 17 = record length of file in bytes. 18 - # of groups written, 19 = gcount.
The data and header files are accessed.
Works only for disc files. The data file must have must have the extension ".xxd" and the header file must have the extension ".xxh" where x is any alphanumeric character
The header file is opened and each line is read. Important parameters are stored in the output parameter. If the last two parameters are specified the parameter names and values are stored. The common block STCOMMN is filled with the type of data, dimensions, etc. for use by SXREAD. If access is for write, each element of the header array, which must be supplied, is written to the header file. The common block is filled with relevant parameters for SXWRITE. A keyword of "END" ends the header.
Written, DMS, May, 1983. D. Lindler Feb. 1990 Modified to allow var. record length header files. D. Lindler April 1990 Conversion to new VMS IDL Added /BLOCK when opening new .hhd file Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Recognize unsigned datatype for V5.1 or greater W. Landsman Jan 2000
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