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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieWaldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Write a STSDAS header and/or 2-D array to disk (without groups!)
STWRT, hdr ;Write image header (.hhh file) only STWRT, im ;Create header to match image array STWRT, im, hdr,[ name, /SDAS, /NOUPDATE ]
im - image array to be written to disk. If no header array is supplied, then a simple header appropiate to the image will be constructed.
hdr - STSDAS header, string array. name - character string containing the name of output file to which the image is written. If omitted, then the program will prompt for the file name. A file name will have the default extension of '.HHH'
NOUPDATE-- By default, STWRT will modify the input FITS header to create a proper SDAS .hhh file. This includes ensuring that (1) a DATATYPE keyword exists, and (2) that BITPIX is a positive value. SDAS-- The SDAS keyword can be specified to modify the input header to ensure SDAS compatibility.
(1) STWRT is only for 2 dimensional images. For other arrays use SXOPEN,1,NAME,HD,HISTORY,'W' ;HISTORY need not be defined SXWRITE,1,IM CLOSE,1 (2) The type of data written is determined by the DATATYPE keyword in the header. A DATATYPE keyword appropiate to the image array type will be added if does not already exist
A STSDAS header and/or image array is written to disk. Unit 2 is opened and closed.
Written W. Landsman, STI Corp. August, 1986 Returned old version to not modify header. W. Landsman July 1991. Included call to CHKDType--option to change DATATYPE and BITPIX if they; do not match. J.D.Offenberg Dec 1991. Added call to CHECK_FITS, NOUPDATE keyword, remove autochange keyword W. Landsman May 1992 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
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