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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieWaldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Read HST FITS formatted disk files and reconstruct GEIS (STSDAS) files.
ST_DISKREAD, infiles
infiles - (scalar string) input disk files to be converted into GEIS files. Wildcards are allowed.
GEIS files: The GEIS file is reconstructed from each input Fits file. The output filename is composed from the rootname of the observation and the appropriate GEIS file extension (i.e. d0h/d, c0h/d, etc.). Tables: If input file is a fits table, the output is an SDAS table.
a) Reconstruct the GEIS file for disk FITS file z29i020ct*.fits. st_diskread,'z29i020ct*.fits'
10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_TAPEREAD. 11/02/94 JKF/ACC - added /block on open statement to handle files with 512 bytes/record. 12/6/95 JKF/ACC - include new jitter files...replaces st_read_jitter.pro. 03/5/96 W. Landsman, change FORRD to READU, remove Version 1 type codes, add message facility 05/20/00 W. Landsman, remove obsolete !ERR calls, new calling sequence to FTINFO **************************************************************************** Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
Routine to read next header and data array from an HST FITS disk file. This is a subroutine of ST_DISKREAD and not intended for stand alone use.
unit - logical unit number.
h - FITS header data - data array name - file name gcount - number of groups dimen - data dimensions opsize - parameter blocks size nbytes - bytes per data group itype - idl data type
This is not a standalone program. Use ST_DISKREAD.
10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_TAPE_DATA. ***************************************************************************
Routine to read FITS table from an ST fits on disk. This is a subroutine of st_diskread and not intended for stand alone use.
unit - disk unit number
h - FITS header data - table array
This is not a standalone program. Use ST_DISKREAD.
10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_TAPE_TABLE. 12/7/95 JKF/ACC - handle tables for jitter data. ****************************************************************************
Routine to construct GEIS files from ST FITS disk files.
ST_DISK_GEIS, h, data, htab, tab, table_available, name, gcount, dimen,opsize, nbytes_g,itype
h - header for data data - data array htab - header for the table tab - fits table table_available - logical variable (1 if table was found) name - data set name gcount - number of groups dimen - data dimensions opsize - original parameter block size nbytes_g - number of bytes per group itype - idl integer data type value for the output data groups
GEIS file updated with group parameters in unit 1 (already open) and header file created
This is not a standalone program. Use st_diskread. During the creation of the header, this routine performs the following steps: 1) create a basic fits header (7 keywords) 2) adjust basic fits header for the number of axis present (i.e. >1) 3) adjust basic fits header for parameter keywords (i.e. ptype,etc) 4) from this point, sequentially copies keywords until it hits one of the following keywords 'INSTRUME','INSTRUID', or 'CONFG'. 5) append 'END' statement
10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_DISK_GEIS ****************************************************************************
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