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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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SCREEN_SELECT Source code in screen_select.pro


       Allow a user to make an interactive screen selection from a list
       This procedure determines whether to use the dumb terminal version,
       or the widget version by examining the !D.NAME system variable.
Calling Sequence
       screen_select, selections, iselected, comments, command_line, only_one
Input Parameters
       selections - string array giving list of items that can be
Optional Input Parameters
       comments - comments which can be requested for each item in
               array selections.  It can be:
                       string array - same length as array selections.
                       null string - no comments available
                       scalar string - name of a procedure which will
                               return comments.  It will take selections
                               as its first argument and return comments
                               as its second argument.
       command_line - optional command line to be placed at the bottom
               of the screen.  It is usually used to specify what the
               user is selecting.
       only_one - integer flag. If set to 1 then the user can only select
               one item.  The routine returns immediately after the first
               selection is made.
Output Parameters
       iselected - list of indices in selections giving the selected
Optional Keyword Output
       COUNT - Integer scalar giving the number of selections made
Side Effects
       The obsolete system variable !err is set to the number of selections
       The actual processing is farmed out to different procedures depending
       on the terminal type.
       Widget Terminal   ==>  SELECT_W.PRO
       VT100 Terminal  ==>    SELECT_O.PRO
Revision History
       Written by M. Greason, STX, May 1990.
       Added widget support    W. Landsman           January, 1992
       Remove X window but no widget option         November, 1994
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Added COUNT keyword, deprecate !ERR   W. Landsman   March 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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Jörn Wilms (wilms@astro.uni-tuebingen.de)
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