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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Quickly read a numeric ASCII data file into IDL floating/double vectors.
Columns of data may be separated by tabs or spaces. This program is fast but is restricted to data files where all columns can be read as floating point (or all double precision). Use READCOL if greater flexibility is desired. Use READFMT to read a fixed-format ASCII file. Use FORPRINT to print columns of data.
RDFLOAT, name, v1, [ v2, v3, v4, v5, ... v19] COLUMNS, /DOUBLE, SKIPLINE = , NUMLINE = ]
NAME - Name of ASCII data file, scalar string. In VMS, an extension of .DAT is assumed, if not supplied.
COLUMNS - Numeric scalar or vector specifying which columns in the file to read. For example, if COLUMNS = [3,7,11] then the first output variable (v1) would contain column 3, the second would contain column 7 and the third would contain column 11. If the number of elements in the COLUMNS vector is less than the number of output parameters, then consecutive columns are implied. For example, if 3 output parameters are supplied (v1,v2,v3) and COLUMNS = 3, then columns 3,4, and 5 will be read. SKIPLINE - Integer scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. NUMLINE - Integer scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file /DOUBLE - If this keyword is set, then all variables are read in as double precision. /SILENT - Set this keyword to suppress any informative messages
V1,V2,V3,...V19 - IDL vectors to contain columns of data. Up to 19 columns may be read. All output vectors are of type float, unless the /DOUBLE keyword is set,
Each row in a file 'position.dat' contains a star number and 6 columns of data giving an RA and Dec in sexigesimal format. Read into IDL variables. IDL> rdfloat,'position.dat',ID,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec All output vectors will be floating point. To only read the declination vectors (Deg,dmin,dsec) IDL> rdfloat,'position.dat',deg,dmin,dsec,col=4
(1) All rows in the file must be formatted identically (except for those skipped by SKIPLINE). RDFLOAT reads the first line of the data (after SKIPLINE) to determine the number of columns of data. (2) Cannot be used to read strings
V5.3 (uses STRSPLIT() )
Written W. Landsman September 1995 Call NUMLINES() function February 1996 Read up to 19 columns August 1997 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Allow to skip more than 32767 lines W. Landsman June 2001 Added /SILENT keyword W. Landsman March 2002 Added COLUMNS keyword, use STRSPLIT W. Landsman May 2002 Use SKIP_LUN if V5.6 or later W. Landsman Nov 2002
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