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NINT Source code in nint.pro


       Nearest integer function.
       NINT() is similar to the intrinsic ROUND function, with the following
       two differences:
       (1) if no absolute value exceeds 32767, then the array is returned as
               as a type INTEGER instead of LONG
       (2) NINT will work on strings, e.g. print,nint(['3.4','-0.9']) will
               give [3,-1]
Calling Sequence
       result = nint( x, [ /LONG] )
Input Parameters
       X - An IDL variable, scalar or vector, usually floating or double
               Unless the LONG keyword is set, X must be between -32767.5 and
               32767.5 to avoid integer overflow
Output Parameters
       RESULT - Nearest integer to X
Keyword Parameters
       LONG - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the result of NINT
               is of type LONG.   Otherwise, the result is of type LONG if
               any absolute values exceed 32767, and type INTEGER if all
               all absolute values are less than 32767.
       If X = [-0.9,-0.1,0.1,0.9] then NINT(X) = [-1,0,0,1]
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written W. Landsman        January 1989
       Added LONG keyword         November 1991
       Use ROUND if since V3.1.0  June 1993
       Always start with ROUND function    April 1995
       Return LONG values, if some input value exceed 32767
               and accept string values   February 1998
       Use size(/TNAME) instead of DATATYPE()      October 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 July 23 at 04:02 UTC

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Jörn Wilms (wilms@astro.uni-tuebingen.de)
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