Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieWaldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
To convert Unix IDL data types to Vax IDL data types.
CONV_UNIX_VAX assumes the Unix IDL data type is IEEE standard in either big-endian or little-endian format.
CONV_UNIX_VAX, variable, [ SOURCE_ARCH = ]
variable - The data variable to be converted. This may be a scalar or an array. Valid datatypes are integer, longword, floating point, and double precision. The result of the conversion is passed back in the original variable.
SOURCE_ARCH = name (string) of source architecture if using this function on a VAX, otherwise !VERSION.ARCH is used to determine the conversion. **If run on a VAX, the default is to assume the source to be a little-endian machine with IEEE floating point (e.g. MIPSEL or Alpha***).
Requires that data be from IEEE standard Unix machines (e.g. SUN, MIPSEL, or Alpha).
Read a 100 by 100 matrix of floating point numbers from a data file created on a Sun. Then convert the matrix values into VAX format. IDL> openr,1,'vax_float.dat IDL> data = fltarr(100,100) IDL> forrd,1,data IDL> CONV_UNIX_VAX,data,SOURCE_ARCH='sparc'
Version 1 By John Hoegy 13-Jun-88 04-May-90 - WTT: Created CONV_UNIX_VAX from VAX2SUN, reversing floating point procedure. Modified P. Keegstra September 1994 Implemented MIPSEL and ALPHA architecture, distinguishing VMS and OSF Modified P. Keegstra February 1995 Added 386 PC based architectures If since V5.1 then VMS is always little endian June 1998 Convert to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman June 1998
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