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PROB_KUIPER Source code in prob_kuiper.pro


       Return the significance of the Kuiper statistic
       Returns the significance level of an observed value of the
       Kuiper statistic D for an effective number of data points
       N_eff.   Called by KUIPERONE
Calling Sequence
       prob_kuiper, D, N_eff, probks
Input Parameters
       D -  Kuiper statistic, floating scalar, always non-negative
       N_eff - Effective number of data points, scalar.   For a 2 sided test
               this is given by (N1*N2)/(N1+N2) where N1 and N2 are the number
               of points in each data set.
Output Parameters
       probks - floating scalar between 0 and 1 giving the significance level of
               the Kuiper statistic.   Small values of PROB suggest that the
               distribution being tested are not the same
Revision History
       Written     W. Landsman                August, 1992
       Corrected typo (termbv for termbf)    H. Ebeling/W.Landsman  March 1996
       Probably did not affect numeric result, but iteration went longer
       than necessary
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Adapted from PROB_KS    J. Ballet     July 2003

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 July 31 at 03:57 UTC

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Jörn Wilms (wilms@astro.uni-tuebingen.de)
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