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Procedure to add or update a field in an FITS ASCII table
FTPUT, htab, tab, field, row, values, [ nulls ]
htab - FITS ASCII table header string array tab - FITS ASCII table array (e.g. as read by READFITS) field - string field name or integer field number row - either a non-negative integer scalar giving starting row to update, or a non-negative integer vector specifying rows to update. FTPUT will append a new row to a table if the value of 'row' exceeds the number of rows in the tab array values - value(s) to add or update. If row is a vector then values must contain the same number of elements.
nulls - null value flag of same length as values. It should be set to 1 at null value positions and 0 elsewhere.
htab,tab will be updated as specified.
One has a NAME and RA and Dec vectors for 500 stars with formats A6, F9.5 and F9.5 respectively. Write this information to an ASCII table named 'star.fits'. IDL> FTCREATE,24,500,h,tab ;Create table header and (empty) data IDL> FTADDCOL,h,tab,'RA',8,'F9.5','DEGREES' ;Explicity define the IDL> FTADDCOL,h,tab,'DEC',8,'F9.5','DEGREES' ;RA and Dec columns IDL> FTPUT,h,tab,'RA',0,ra ;Insert RA vector into table IDL> FTPUT,h,tab,'DEC',0,dec ;Insert DEC vector into table IDL> FTPUT, h,tab, 'NAME',0,name ;Insert NAME vector with default IDL> WRITEFITS,'stars.fits',tab,h ;Write to a file Note that (1) explicit formatting has been supplied for the (numeric) RA and Dec vectors, but was not needed for the NAME vector, (2) A width of 24 was supplied in FTCREATE based on the expected formats (6+9+9), though the FT* will adjust this value as necessary, and (3) WRITEFITS will create a minimal primary header
(1) If the specified field is not already in the table, then FTPUT will create a new column for that field using default formatting. However, FTADDCOL should be called prior to FTPUT for explicit formatting.
version 1 D. Lindler July, 1987 Allow E format W. Landsman March 1992 Write in F format if E format will overflow April 1994 Update documentation W. Landsman January 1996 Allow 1 element vector W. Landsman March 1996 Adjust string length to maximum of input string array June 1997 Work for more than 32767 elements August 1997 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Updated call to the new FTINFO W. Landsman May 2000 Fix case where header does not have any columns yet W.Landsman Sep 2002
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