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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Read an entire FITS file (all extensions) into a single IDL structure.
Each header, image or table array is placed in a separate structure tag.
RDFITS_STRUCT, filename, struct, /SILENT, /HEADER_ONLY ]
FILENAME = Scalar string giving the name of the FITS file. One can also specify a gzip (.gz) compressed file
/HEADER_ONLY - If set, then only the FITS headers (and not the data) are read into the structure. /SILENT - Set this keyword to suppress informational displays at the terminal.
struct = structure into which FITS data is read. The primary header and image are placed into tag names HDR0 and IM0. The ith extension is placed into the tag names HDRi, and either TABi (if it is a binary or ASCII table) or IMi (if it is an image extension) If /HEADER_ONLY is set, then struct will contain tags HDR0, HDR1 ....HDRn containing all the headers of a FITS file with n extensions
The file is opened with FITS_OPEN which return information on the number and type of each extension. The CREATE_STRUCT() function is used iteratively, with FITS_READ calls to build the final structure.
Read the FITS file 'm33.fits' into an IDL structure, st IDL> rdfits_struct, 'm33.fits', st IDL> help, /str, st ;Display info about the structure
Does not handle random groups or variable length binary tables
Written K. Venkatakrishna, STX April 1992 Code cleaned up a bit W. Landsman STX October 92 Modified for MacOS I. Freedman HSTX April 1994 Work under Windows 95 W. Landsman HSTX January 1996 Use anonymous structures, skip extensions without data WBL April 1998 Converted to IDL V5.0, W. Landsman, April 1998 OS-independent deletion of temporary file W. Landsman Jan 1999 Major rewrite to use FITS_OPEN and CREATE_STRUCT() W. Landsman Sep 2002 Added /HEADER_ONLY keyword W. Landsman October 2003 Do not copy primary header into extension headers W. Landsman Dec 2004 Do not modify NAXIS when using /HEADER_ONLY W. Landsman Jan 2005
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