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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Check that keywords in a FITS header array match the associated data
Given a FITS array IM, and a associated FITS or STSDAS header HDR, this procedure will check that (1) HDR is a string array, and IM is defined and numeric (2) The NAXISi values in HDR are appropriate to the dimensions of IM (3) The BITPIX value in HDR is appropriate to the datatype of IM If HDR contains a DATATYPE keyword (as in STSDAS headers), then this is also checked against the datatype of of IM If the /UPDATE keyword is present, then the FITS header will be modified, if necessary, to force agreement with the image array
check_FITS, im, hdr, [ dimen, idltype, /UPDATE, /NOTYPE, /SDAS, /SILENT ERRMSG = ]'
IM - FITS (or STSDAS) array, e.g. as read by READFITS HDR - FITS (or STSDAS) header (string array) associated with IM
dimen - vector containing actual array dimensions idltype- data type of the FITS array as specified in the IDL SIZE function (1 for BYTE, 2 for INTEGER*2, 3 for INTEGER*4, etc.)
/NOTYPE - If this keyword is set, then only agreement of the array dimensions with the FITS header are checked, and not the data type. /UPDATE - If this keyword is set then the BITPIX, NAXIS and DATATYPE FITS keywords will be updated to agree with the array /SDAS - If this keyword is set then the header is assumed to be from an SDAS (.hhh) file. CHECK_FITS will then ensure that (1) a DATATYPE keyword is included in the header and (2) BITPIX is always written with positive values. /FITS - If this keyword is present then CHECK_FITS assumes that it is dealing with a FITS header and not an SDAS header, see notes below. /SILENT - If keyword is set and nonzero, the informational messages will not be printed
ERRMSG = If this keyword is present, then any error messages will be returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered, then a null string is returned. ;
Program checks the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 parameters in the header to see if they match the image array dimensions.
An important distinction between an STSDAS header and a FITS header is that the BITPIX value in an STSDAS header is always positive, e.g. BITPIX=32 for REAL*4 data. Users should use either the /SDAS or the /FITS keyword if it is important whether the STSDAS or FITS convention for REAL*4 data is used. Otherwise, CHECK_FITS assumes that if a DATATYPE keyword is present then it is dealing with an STSDAS header.
STRN(),FXADDPAR, fxpar()
Written, December 1991 W. Landsman Hughes/STX to replace CHKIMHD No error returned if NAXIS=0 and IM is a scalar W. Landsman Feb 93 Fixed bug for REAL*8 STSDAS data W. Landsman July 93 Make sure NAXIS agrees with NAXISi W. Landsman October 93 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Allow unsigned data types W. Landsman December 1999 Allow BZERO = 0 for unsigned data types W. Landsman January 2000 Added ERRMSG keyword, W. Landsman February 2000 Use FXADDPAR to put NAXISi in proper order W. Landsman August 2000 Improper FXADDPAR call for DATATYPE keyword W. Landsman December 2000 Remove explicit setting of obsolete !err W. Landsman February 2004
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