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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Find the sources in an IDL database that are located on a given image.
imdbase, hdr, catalogue, [list, ALT=, XPOS= ,YPOS=, XRANGE= ,YRANGE= , SUBLIST = ]
hdr - FITS image header containing astrometry, and the NAXIS1, NAXIS2 keywords giving the image size catalogue - string giving name of catalogue in database Database must contain the (preferably indexed) fields RA (in hours) and DEC. Type DBHELP for a list of the names of available catalogues.
LIST - A long vector containing the entry numbers of sources found within the image. This vector can then be used with other database procedures, e.g. to print specified fields (DBPRINT) or subselect with further criteria (DBFIND)
XPOS - REAL*4 vector giving X positions of catalogue sources found within the image YPOS - REAL*4 vector giving Y positions of catalogue sources found within the image
ALT - single character 'A' through 'Z' or ' ' specifying an alternate astrometry system present in the FITS header. The default is to use the primary astrometry or ALT = ' '. If /ALT is set, then this is equivalent to ALT = 'A'. See Section 3.3 of Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061) for information about alternate astrometry keywords. XRANGE - 2 element vector giving the X range of the image to consider. The default is to search for catalogue sources within the entire image YRANGE - 2 element vector giving the Y range of the image to consider. SUBLIST - vector giving entries in the database to consider in the search. If not supplied, or set equal to -1, then all entries are considered.
If an output list vector is not supplied, then the found objects are diplayed at the terminal.
Find all existing IUE SWP observations within the field of the STSDAS disk file FUV0435FC. Subselect those taken with the SWP camera SXHREAD,'fuv0435fc',H ;Read header from disk IMDBASE,H,'IUE',list ;Find IUE obs. within image LIST2 = DBFIND('CAM_NO=3',LIST) ;Subselect on SWP images
The IDL database is left open upon exiting IMDBASE.
IMDBASE checks the description of the RA item in the database for the string '1950'. If found, the database RA and Dec are assumed to be in equinox B1950. Otherwise they are assumed to be in ICRS or J2000.
The non-standard system variable !TEXTOUT is required for use with the database procedures.
Written W. Landsman September, 1988 Added SUBLIST keyword September, 1991 Updated to use ASTROMETRY structures J.D. Offenberg, HSTX, Jan 1993 Conversion for precession fixed. R.Hill, HSTX, 22-Apr-93 Check RA description for equinox W. Landsman Aug 96 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Call HPRECESS if header equinox does not match DB W. Landsman Oct. 1998 Assume Equinox J2000 if not explicitly B1950 W. Landsman Jan. 2005 Added ALT keyword W. Landsman April 2005
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