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Subroutine of DBFIND to perform an entry number search
This is a subroutine of dbfind and is not a standalone procedure It performs a entry number search.
dbfind_entry, type, svals, nentries, values, [COUNT = ]
type - type of search (output from dbfparse) svals - search values (output from dbfparse) values - array of values to search
good - indices of good values
Count - integer scalar giving the number of valid matches SIDE EFFECTS" The obsolete system variable !err is set to number of good values
D. Lindler July,1987 Fixed test for final entry number W. Landsman Sept. 95 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Added COUNT keyword, deprecate !ERR W. Landsman March 2000 Better checking of out of range values W. Landsman February 2002
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