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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Compute astrometric solution using positions of 2 or 3 reference stars
Computes an exact astrometric solution using the positions and coordinates from 2 or 3 reference stars and assuming a tangent (gnomonic) projection. If 2 stars are used, then the X and Y plate scales are assumed to be identical, and the axis are assumed to be orthogonal. Use of three stars will allow a unique determination of each element of the CD matrix.
starast, ra, dec, x, y, cd, [/Righthanded, HDR = h, PROJECTION=]
RA - 2 or 3 element vector containing the Right Ascension in DEGREES DEC- 2 or 3 element vector containing the Declination in DEGREES X - 2 or 3 element vector giving the X position of reference stars Y - 2 or 3 element vector giving the Y position of reference stars
CD - CD (Coordinate Description) matrix (DEGREES/PIXEL) determined from stellar positions and coordinates.
/RightHanded - If only 2 stars are supplied, then there is an ambiguity in the orientation of the coordinate system. By default, STARAST assumes the astronomical standard left-handed system (R.A. increase to the left). If /Right is set then a righthanded coordinate is assumed. This keyword has no effect if 3 star positions are supplied. PROJECTION - Either a 3 letter scalar string giving the projection type (e.g. 'TAN' or 'SIN') or an integer 1 - 25 specifying the projection as given in the WCSSPH2XY procedure. If not specified then a tangent projection is computed. OPTIONAL INPUT-OUTPUT KEYWORD: HDR - If a FITS header string array is supplied, then an astrometry solution is added to the header using the CD matrix and star 0 as the reference pixel (see example). Equinox 2000 is assumed.
To use STARAST to add astrometry to a FITS header H; IDL> starast,ra,dec,x,y,cd ;Determine CD matrix IDL> crval = [ra[0],dec[0]] ;Use Star 0 as reference star IDL> crpix = [x[0],y[0]] +1 ;FITS is offset 1 pixel from IDL IDL> putast,H,cd,crpix,crval ;Add parameters to header This is equivalent to the following command: IDL> STARAST,ra,dec,x,y,hdr=h
The CD parameters are determined by solving the linear set of equations relating position to local coordinates (l,m) For highest accuracy the first star position should be the one closest to the reference pixel.
Written, W. Landsman January 1988 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Added /RightHanded and HDR keywords W. Landsman September 2000 Write CTYPE values into header W. Landsman/A. Surkov December 2002 CD matrix was mistakenly transpose in 3 star solution Added projection keyword W. Landsman September 2003
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