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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Return the equinox value from a FITS header.
Checks for 4 possibilities: (1) If the EQUINOX keyword is found and has a numeric value, then this value is returned (2) If the EQUINOX keyword has the values 'J2000' or 'B1950', then either 2000. or 1950. is returned. (3) If the EQUINOX keyword is not found, then GET_EQUINOX will return the EPOCH keyword value. This usage of EPOCH is disparaged. (4) If neither EQUINOX no EPOCH is found, then the RADECSYS keyword is checked. If the value is 'ICRS' or 'FK5' then 2000 is is returned, if it is 'FK4' then 1950 is returned. According Calabretta & Greisen (2002, A&A, 395, 1077) the EQUINOX should be written as a numeric value, as in format (1). However, in older FITS headers, the EQUINOX might have been written using formats (2) or (3).
Year = GET_EQUINOX( Hdr, [ Code ] )
Hdr - FITS Header, string array, will be searched for the EQUINOX (or EPOCH) keyword.
Year - Year of equinox in FITS header, numeric scalar
Code - Result of header search, scalar -1 - EQUINOX, EPOCH or RADECSYS keyword not found in header 0 - EQUINOX found as a numeric value 1 - EPOCH keyword used for equinox (not recommended) 2 - EQUINOX found as 'B1950' 3 - EQUINOX found as 'J2000' 4 - EQUINOX derived from value of RADECSYS keyword 'ICRS', 'FK5' ==> 2000, 'FK4' ==> 1950
Written W. Landsman STX March, 1991 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Don't use !ERR W. Landsman February 2000 N = 1 for check of EPOCH keyword, not 0 S. Ott July 2000
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