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Calculate correction to altitude due to atmospheric refraction.
CO_REFRACT can calculate both apparent altitude from observed altitude and vice-versa.
old_alt - Observed (apparent) altitude, in DEGREES. (apparent if keyword /TO_OBSERVED set). May be scalar or vector.
Function returns apparent (observed) altitude, in DEGREES. (observed if keyword /TO_OBSERVED set). Will be of same type as input altitude(s).
ALTITUDE : The height of the observing location, in meters. This is only used to determine an approximate temperature and pressure, if these are not specified separately. [default=0, i.e. sea level] PRESSURE : The pressure at the observing location, in millibars. TEMPERATURE: The temperature at the observing location, in Kelvin. EPSILON: When keyword /TO_OBSERVED has been set, this is the accuracy to obtain via the iteration, in arcseconds [default = 0.25 arcseconds]. /TO_OBSERVED: Set this keyword to go from Apparent->Observed altitude, using the iterative technique. Note, if altitude is set, but temperature or pressure are not, the program will make an intelligent guess for the temperature and pressure.
Because the index of refraction of air is not precisely 1.0, the atmosphere bends all incoming light, making a star or other celestial object appear at a slightly different altitude (or elevation) than it really is. It is important to understand the following definitions: Observed Altitude: The altitude that a star is SEEN to BE, with a telescope. This is where it appears in the sky. This is always GREATER than the apparent altitude. Apparent Altitude: The altitude that a star would be at, if *there were no atmosphere* (sometimes called "true" altitude). This is usually calculated from an object's celestial coordinates. Apparent altitude is always LOWER than the observed altitude. Thus, for example, the Sun's apparent altitude when you see it right on the horizon is actually -34 arcminutes. This program uses couple simple formulae to estimate the effect for most optical and radio wavelengths. Typically, you know your observed altitude (from an observation), and want the apparent altitude. To go the other way, this program uses an iterative approach.
The lower limb of the Sun is observed to have altitude of 0d 30'. Calculate the the true (=apparent) altitude of the Sun's lower limb using mean conditions of air pressure and temperature IDL> print, co_refract(0.5) ===> 0.025degrees (1.55') WAVELENGTH DEPENDENCE: This correction is 0 at zenith, about 1 arcminute at 45 degrees, and 34 arcminutes at the horizon FOR OPTICAL WAVELENGTHS. The correction is NON-NEGLIGIBLE at all wavelengths, but is not very easily calculable. These formulae assume a wavelength of 550 nm, and will be accurate to about 4 arcseconds for all visible wavelengths, for elevations of 10 degrees and higher. Amazingly, they are also ACCURATE FOR RADIO FREQUENCIES LESS THAN ~ 100 GHz. It is important to understand that these formulae really can't do better than about 30 arcseconds of accuracy very close to the horizon, as variable atmospheric effects become very important.
1. Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, Chapter 15. 2. Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, 1992. 3. Methods of Experimental Physics, Vol 12 Part B, Astrophysics, Radio Telescopes, Chapter 2.5, "Refraction Effects in the Neutral Atmosphere", by R.K. Crane. DEPENDENCIES: CO_REFRACT_FORWARD (contained in this file and automatically compiled).
Chris O'Dell Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Observational Cosmology Laboratory Email: odell@cmb.physics.wisc.edu
version 1 (May 31, 2002) Update iteration formula, W. Landsman June 2002 Corrected slight bug associated with scalar vs. vector temperature and pressure inputs. 6/10/2002
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