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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieWaldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Print astronomical and pixel coordinates in a standard format
This procedure (ASTrometry DISPlay) prints the astronomical and pixel coordinates in a standard format. X,Y must be supplied. RA,DEC may also be supplied, and a data number (DN) may also be supplied. With use of the Coords= keyword, a string containing the formatted data can be returned in addition or instead (with /silent) of printing.
ASTDISP, x, y, [Ra, Dec, DN, COORD = , /SILENT ]
X - The X pixel coordinate(s), scalar or vector Y - The Y pixel coordinate(s), scalar or vector
RA - Right Ascention in *degrees*, scalar or vector DEC - DEClination in *degrees*, scalar or vector (if RA is supplied, DEC must also be supplied) DN - Data Number or Flux values Each of the inputs X,Y, RA, DEC, DN should have the same number of elements
SILENT Prevents printing. Only useful when used with Coords=
Printed positions in both degrees and sexigesimal format All passed variables remain unchanged
COORDS Returns the formatted coordinates in a string
ADSTRING - used to format the RA and Dec
10-AUG-90 Version 1 written by Eric W. Deutsch 20-AUG-91 Converted to standard header. Vectorized Code. E. Deutsch 20-NOV-92 Added Coords= and /silent. E.Deutsch Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
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