Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
partly fill predefined arrays with entries from an existing fluxfile that can have fewer entries than the arrays to be filled
subroutine for TRIPP, more specifically for TRIPP_EXTRACT_FLUX
TRIPP_RECYCLE_FLUX, fluxfile, trans_fluxs, trans_fluxsauto, trans_fluxb, trans_areas, trans_areasauto, trans_areab, trans_flag, trans_time, trans_files, trans_exptime, framenumbers, start
fluxfile, trans_fluxs, trans_fluxsauto, trans_fluxb, trans_areas, trans_areasauto, trans_areab, trans_flag, trans_time, trans_files, trans_exptime framenumbers
start, trans_fluxs, trans_fluxsauto, trans_fluxb, trans_areas, trans_areasauto, trans_areab, trans_flag, trans_time, trans_files, trans_exptime
2001/05, Author: Sonja L. Schuh 2001/06, also transfer auto
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