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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Generate image excluding all stars found in input image
IMAGE - 2-dimensional array which should be checked against stars etc.
FWHM : Full width half maximum of gauss function to be used for search. Determines size of stars to be excluded. Defines also circle which is cut from image by CUT_RAD=2*FWHM if CUT_RAD is not defined. Default: 10 DETECT_SIGMA: Detection statistic threshold. All stars below this sigma are ignored. Default: 3 GAIN: Ratio of photons (electrons) used per ADU (i.e. value stored in image). Used to determine background random noise. Default: 2.60 e-/ADU (CAHA instrument) RON: Readout noise in units of photons (electrons). Used to determine background random noise. Default: 5.980 (CAHA instrument) REL_ERR: Relative error defining background noise. The noise is determined at first step for one pixel only. To get the proper noise to set the detection threshold the algorithm must adjust the error with a relative error factor. This factor is print out by the DAO-PHOT FIND routine but unfortunately could not be used for automatic processing. Refer also: DAOPHOT 2 Manual, Annex 2, and P.R.Stetson. Default: 1 CUT_RAD: Radius of circle to cut from image. Default: 2*FWHM. CUT_VAL: Value to set image circle at. Default = 0.
IMAGE - input image with all found stars excluded (set at CUT_VAL)
Destroys input image by changing pixel values for found stars.
Could not find extended star sources.
> img=readfits("flat3.fits") > TRIPP_CHEESE_FLAT, img, 10, 5, 2.6, 5.98, 0.45 > tripp_tv, img -> exclude stars from img, fwhm of 10 -> radius = 20, -> detection sigma of 5 with relative error of 0.45, -> detector properties of gain 2.6 and readout noise of 5.98 (e-).
created 21-09-2001, Eckart Göhler
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