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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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folds a lightcurve with a given period or frequency and returns the resulting profile
pfold, time,rate,profile,period=period,nbins=nbins,time0=time0, $ proferr=proferr,gap=gap,nogap=nogap,tolerance=tolerance, $ phbin=phbin,ttot=ttot, raterr=raterr,chatty=chatty,npts=npts, $ quantiles=quantiles, statquant=quant,dt=dt,gti=gti, $ pdot=pdot,pddot=pddot
time : the starting time of each rate bin (seconds, unless mjd keyword is given) rate : the count rate of each bin (counts/second, independent of the mjd keyword!) if the rate argument is omitted, the code assumes EVENT data instead, and time is the time at which each event was detected)
period : period on which to fold (seconds) freq : frequency on which to fold (Hz) -- only one of period and freq can be given pdot, pddot: Pdot and Pdotdot (pulse period derivatives) if pddot is set, pdot needs to be defined as well nudot, nuddot: nu_dot and nu_dotdot (frequency derivatives) if nuddot is set, nudot needs to be defined as well nbins : the number of phase bins to use time0 : use time0 instead of the first entry in the timecolumn as zerotime of phase bin, same units as time gti : an array of good time intervals gti(0,*) contains the starttimes, gti(1,*) contains the stoptimes. if given, the exposure time per phase bin (ttot) is computed from this information. alternatively, for lightcurves, the gap detection can be used. raterr : uncertainty of the counting rates in rate(*) dt : width of each time bin gap : An array containing the indices of gaps in the lightcurve (i.e. time(gap(2)) is the starting time of the 3rd gap in the lightcurve). These bins are ignored in the epoch folding. If nogap is not set and no gti is given, the code determines gap using the subroutine timegap and returns gap If nogap is not set and a gti is known, the gti is used to determines the bad bins and returns these in gap A result of these options is that for a given lightcurve the gaps are only determined once. tolerance: parameter defining the lower limit for the gap length; the reference is the time difference between the first and second entry in the time array; tolerance defines the maximum allowed relative deviation from this reference bin length; default: 1e-8; this parameter is passed to timegap (see timegap.pro for further explanation) Be aware that tolerance needs to be set to a higher value if a lightcurve is barycentered after it is binned. Only used if gti is not given.
nogap : If set, data are assumed to NOT contain any gaps. Has only influence for lightcurves. quantiles: If set, return the 1st,2nd, and 3rd quantile in keyword statquant (only for lightcurves) mjd : if set, then time argument is in days, not seconds.
profile : the pulse profile (counts/sec)
proferr : Array containing the statistical uncertainty of each bin of the profile. computed from raterr for lightcurves, for event data, Poissonian errors are assumed. phbin : array containing the start-phase of each bin of the profile ttot : array containing the total observing time accumulated in each bin of the profile note that ttot is not 100% exact if pdot/pddot are nonzero npts : total number of rate points in each bin of the profile, or total number of events in each bin. statquant: a 2d array, quant(0,*) contains the 1st, quant(1,*) the 2nd, and quant(2,*) the 3rd quantile for each pulse point; only for lightcurve data
* it is assumed that the period/frequency are only changing slowly, such that it can be assumed that during one gti interval the period is close to constant. For all relevant astronomical objects this seems to be the case. In other words, when the GTI is known, then ttot (the exposure time of each phase bin) is computed using the period as determined for the middle of the GTI interval as the correct period. Note that the phase of each phase bin is determined correctly (using getphase)
nbins=128 period=1.7 pfold,time,counts,profile,283.,nbins=nbins,period=period phase=findgen(nbins)/(nbins-1) plot,phase,profile
$Log: pfold.pro,v $ Revision 1.16 2006/02/14 17:54:47 wilms now also works in the case that the period is an integer variable Revision 1.15 2005/05/14 20:55:39 wilms added mjd keyword Revision 1.14 2004/11/22 07:59:45 wilms further improvement on handling of phase bins with no exposure (now also returns NaN for binned data). Revision 1.13 2004/11/21 19:10:10 kuster - fixed bug for phase bins with zero integration time (event list mode) - change print to message in chatty mode Revision 1.12 2004/11/01 21:05:57 wilms timezero warning only if chatty is set Revision 1.11 2004/09/13 16:02:56 wilms cosmetic changes only Revision 1.10 2004/09/07 17:26:50 wilms * added options to fold on frequency instead of period * added ability to have time dependent period (pdot and pddot and nudot, nuddot options) * switched phase handling over to getphase Revision 1.9 2004/09/06 20:54:04 wilms added treatment of GTIs and also greatly improved general treatment of gaps for the case of lightcurves. Revision 1.8 2004/05/24 18:03:30 wilms simpler computation of npts for events Revision 1.7 2003/06/30 10:26:25 wilms complete rewrite (Ljuba/JW), now also allows event lists Version 1.0: Derived from foldlc, Joern Wilms, 1998/05/14 Version 1.1: J.W., 1998/08/09, added quantile keyword Version 2.0: J.W., 1999/08/04: * now use the histogram function for determining the countrates contributing to each phase bin (speed improvement roughly a factor of 20%) * compute width of time bins only if desired (slight speed improvement) CVS Version 1.2: JW/PR, 2001.07.20 code now produces exact results in case time-time0 is negative CVS Version 1.3: MK, 2001.10.18 added keyword tolerance Version 1.4: JW, 2002.02.12 repaired tolerance keyword. now calls with tolerance eq 0. are possible Version 1.5: JW/SF, 2002.08.15 correction of code in the example Version 1.6: JW: CHANGE TO CVS LOGGING
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