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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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acf | Compute the autocorrelation function of an evenly sample lightcurve |
cygx1_rmsflux | calculate the rms variability sigma and the mean flux of 1s-lightcurve segments, bin sigma as a function of segment flux and fit a linear function (according to Uttley, Ph. and McHardy, I.M., MNRAS 2001, 323, L26-L30) |
dcf | compute the Edelson & Krolik discrete correlation function |
deadtime_simul | modify evenly binned lightcurve (given by a time array and a count rate array) to take into account counting statistics; reproduce the effects of paralyzable (default) or nonparalyzable deadtime of a given length on the count rate; return modified count rate array |
dynpsrch | produce a dynamical period search of a timeseries and display PSD or \chi^2 of Epoch Fold |
dynscarg | produce a dynamical scargle periodogram of a timeseries and display PSD OBSOLETE, DO NOT USE!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
epferror | estimate epoche folding error with monte-carlo simulation approach. |
getphase.pro | NO EXPLANATION |
gtimerge | combine and purify two gti lists |
lc_done | Simulate a light-curve with a power-law distributed periodogram |
lssm_process | return a one dimensional LSSM model evenly time series state equation : x(t) = 'AR[p]_process' observation equation : y(t) = C*x(t)+noise , noise = N(0,lssmsig) |
pfold | folds a lightcurve with a given period or frequency and returns the resulting profile |
PLOT_PERIOD | Plots a periodic data set stacked each period above the other. Gaps are ommited. Period is aligned acording first element of time array modulo period (i.e. first shown plot always contains first time tag). |
pp_correlate | correlates a pulse profile with a template profile and returns the index of the shifted profile that matches the template at best |
qpo_lc | Simulate lightcurves for computation of period significance |
qpo_progress | display a progress counter and related statistics |
rebinlc | rebin a time series to a new, evenly spaced, time binning |
rmsflux | To test the rms-flux correlation (according to Uttley, Ph. and McHardy, I.M., MNRAS 2001, 323, L26-L30), rmsflux.pro calculates the mean PSD and its error of a number of given equally spaced lightcurve segments, that all contain a mean flux within a given range (flux bins). The Miyamoto normalization is used and the PSD is Poisson noise and deadtime corrected. |
rndpwrlc | Simulate a light-curve with a power-law distributed periodogram |
scargle | Compute the lomb-scargle periodogram of an unevenly sampled lightcurve |
sf | Compute the structure function of a lightcurve, according to the definitions given by Nandikotkur et al., 1997, AIP Conf. Proc 410, 1361P for the evenly case and Paltani et al., 1997 A&A 327, 539P for the unevenly case. |
shotnoise_process | return a Standard Shot Noise model evenly time series s(t) = SUM_{i} h(t-t(i)) where h(t) = exp(-t/tau)*U(t) with U(t) = {0 for t let than 0,h0 for t great equal 0} |
timegap | find gaps in a time array, determine gap and segment lengths |
timmerlc | Simulate a light-curve with a general periodogram shape |
zhangfunction | calculate and return the value of the defined ancillary functions to obtain the autocovariance function in the nonparalyzable dead time case, for the article of Zhang et al., "Dead-time modifications to fast Fourier transform power spectra", The Astrophysical Journal, 449:930-935, 1995 |
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