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Abteilung Astronomie

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plotinter.pro Source code in plotinter.pro


NAME: plotinter PURPOSE: plot a line to designate an interval (e.g., to show the time intervals when a project has to be worked on...) CATEGORY: plotting tools CALLING SEQUENCE:plotinter,when,loc,what=what,dloc=dloc,ignore0=ignore0
Input Parameters
          when: 2d array containing the start and stop x-positions
                defining the intervals. when(0,*) is the start,
                when(1,*) the stop
          loc : y position(s) for the intervals, one per interval
Optional Input Parameters
          what: array of strings with the labels for each interval.
                if given, the string is centered on the interval
                and the lines are drawn on the sides of the interval
          dloc: dislocate every 2nd label by a factor dloc
          time0: time offset of the data in the when-array wrt to the
                currently set x-coordinate of the plot
Keyword Parameters
          ignore0: if set, completely ignore intervals for which the
                 start and stop times are the same
Revision History
   Version 1.0: Joern Wilms, sometime around 1994
   Version 1.1: 2001/01/04, JW/KP: added ignore0 keyword and doc header

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:40 UTC

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Jörn Wilms (wilms@astro.uni-tuebingen.de)
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