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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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PURPOSE: Procedure to set up plotting to ps-files CATEGORY: misc Source code in open_print.pro

PURPOSE: Procedure to set up plotting to ps-files CATEGORY: misc

 PURPOSE: Procedure to set up plotting to ps-files
Calling Sequence
 open_print,file, color=color,a4=a4,postscript=postscript, $
               apj1col=apj1col,aa1col=aa1col,aa2col=aa2col,aa14cm=aa14cm, $
               aa12cm=aa12cm,aspect=aspect,scale=scale,fontsize=fontsize, $
Input Parameters
       file: name of the eps-file to be generated (default: idl.ps)
Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Parameters
        color: use color
        a4: output to A4 paper
        postscript: generate postscript, not encapsulated postscript
        apj1col: scale output appropriate for 1column figures in
                 the Astrophysical Journal (and similar journals)
        aa1col : dito, for Astronomy and Astrophysics
        aa2col : output for Astronomy and Astrophysics 2column
        aa12cm : output for 12cm wide A&A figures (these are the ones
                 with a caption on the side of the figure in the new
                 Editions de Physique format)
        aspect=: define the aspect ratio of the figure, if one of the
                 aa1col, aa2col, aa12cm, or apj1col keywords is set
                 (the aspect ratio is the ratio y-size/x-size)
        scale  : scale fonts etc. do not use except when you know
                 what you are doing
        fontsize: set the fontsize (in pt). Do NOT use with the
                 aa and apj options!
        xsize,ysize: size of the eps. Do NOT use with the AA and Apj
                 related options. Use aspect instead.
        times : if set, use Times Roman font (default is helvetica,
                except for the AA and Apj related options).
        printing: if this keyword is given, then open_print is only
                  executed if printing ne 0 (to simplify writing
                  programs that go either on the screen or on a
                  file, depending on how a switch is set)
Output Parameters

Optional Output

Common Blocks

Side Effects
            the plot device is switched over to the PS device

           see code
          if keyword_set(printing) then open_print,'fig1.eps',/aa1col
          if keyword_set(printing) then close_print,/ghost
Revision History
 J.W., 1994,1996
 1997.08.27: added a4 keyword
 1998.01.21: now device,encapsulated=0 when turning on postscript
             (perhaps that helps when switching back and forth
             between PS and EPS...)
 2001.06.17: switch to 8 bits per pixel for color figures
 2002.02.27: complete rewrite; added various formats for astronomy
             and astrophysics
 2002.03.06: fixed problem with color printing, don't understand why
             the old way of J.W. doesn't work
 $Log: open_print.pro,v $
 Revision 1.12  2005/09/24 16:15:07  wilms
 added printing option
 Revision 1.11  2005/06/02 21:14:46  wilms
 added aa12cm option
 Revision 1.10  2004/09/24 13:50:27  wilms
 added Doc Header
 Revision 1.9  2002/08/06 08:46:55  goehler
 Changed x/ysize setting for /a4 style, added explicit
 x/yoffset settings which are necessary for landscape
 in general and the /a4 style in special.
 Revision 1.8  2002/07/16 18:07:51  wilms
 automatic logging needs dollars, not percent signs

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 September 25 at 03:10 UTC

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