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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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jwdateaxis Source code in jwdateaxis.pro


            To plot an x-axis labeled with the date(s) instead of the
            Julian Date or MJD.
            General astronomy tools
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters

Optional Input Parameters
            fontscale: array of 4 reals defining the scale for the
                       4 levels of label sizes. default:[0.,1.,1.2,1.4]
Keyword Parameters
            upper    : if set, plot upper x-axis instead of lower x-axis
            nolabel  : if set, don't label the plot
            noyear   : if set, suppress year tag in label
            mjd      : if set, the units in which the x-axis was
                       plotted, are the modified JD (i.e. JD-2400000.5)
            zeropoint: the units of the x-axis have been plotted in
                       JD (or MJD), but an additional time given by
                       zeropoint has been subtracted before plotting
                       (i.e. JD = x-axis value PLUS zeropoint)
            stretch  : multiply all labels with stretch before plotting
            charsize : Size of the characters
            longyr   : if there are only year labels (1996, 1997,
                       1998, ...), extended yearly tickmarks are
                       plotted, that reach out to in between the year
                       labels. The advantage is that any doubt about
                       which monthly tickmarks belong to which year
                       is removed. Especially useful in the plots of
                       long monitorings like Cyg X-1 which span
                       several years.
            _extra   : in addition, all graphics keywords are passed via the
                       _extra mechanism.
Output Parameters

Optional Output



Revision History
              Version 1.0: 1997/10/22, Joern Wilms
              Version 1.1: 2000/02/21, JW, added charsize
              Version 1.2: 2000/07/12, JW: added _extra keyword
              Version 1.3: 2001/08/27, Katja Pottschmidt
                                       added noyear keyword
              Version 1.4: 2002/01/28, Joern Wilms
                                       added fontscale keyword
          CVS Version 1.6: 2003/03/27, Thomas Gleissner
                                       added longyr keyword

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:39 UTC

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Jörn Wilms (wilms@astro.uni-tuebingen.de)
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