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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Read PHA-spectrum from a OGIP-conformant PHA2-file. The file format has been defined in OGIP memo ...
High energy astrophysics
specnum - ref. number of the spectrum to read from the PHA-II table (Note: this is compared to the SPEC_NUM column and not necessarily equal to the row number) phafile - name of the file to read from
see the list under optional outputs verbose : be talkative
count : counts in each bin (the PHA channel-number is the index into count); depending on the value of rate either as total photons observed in the bin or as a count-rate counterr : uncertainty of the countrate or photon-number (same units as count) rate : 0 if count is count-rate, 1 if total counts/bin back : 0 if count is total spectrum, <--- CURRENTLY ALWAYS 1 if count is background spectrum, 2 if count is background-subtracted
channel : channel numbers of spectrum phase : corresponding phase if spectra were created by fasebin rowid : Unique identifier of spectrum response : filename of response-matrix telescope : ID of telescope instrument: ID of instrument object : name of observed object ra,dec : position of observed object (degrees!), implies: equinox : equinox os coordinate radecsys : coordinate-frame used date_obs : start-time (dd/mm/yy), UTC, implies time_obs : start-time (hh:mm:ss), UTC date_end : end-time (dd/mm/yy), UTC time_end : end-time (hh:mm:ss), UTC tstart,tstop: the above in JD mjd : ... or in MJD, if this keyword is set filter : filter used exposure : exposure time backfile : filename of background-spectrum backscale : scale-factor of background-spectrum corrfile : filename of correction-file corscale : scale-factor of corrfile effarea : Area scaling factor staterr : systematic statistical error origin : institution where file originates from arf : filename of ancillary file (i.e. effective area) poisson : if 1 assume Poisson-Statistics (and don't use uncertainty of spectrum); implies that counterr will NOT be used!
* Rather complex tool, based on readpha.pro * Error handling is primitive/non-existent
just read it!!!!!!
not needed
Version 1.0: 1999/11/10, PK first version, based on readpha.pro V1.2 Version 1.1: 1999/11/10, PK Use "RA-OBJ" and "DEC-OBJ" instead of "*_OBJ" to be compliant with fasebin output and FITS Standard
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