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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Read a FITS lightcurve
lightcurves, FITS
readlc,time,rate,error,filename,/bary,/mjd,timerange=[min,max] readlc,time,rate,filename,/bary,/mjd,/counts
FILENAME: Name of the lightcurve to be read
min,max : timerange of the lightcurve to be read timecol_name: name of the time column in fits file default: 'TIME' ratecol_name: name of the rate column in fits file default: 'RATE' errcol_name : name of the rate error column in fits file default: 'ERROR'
/mjd : calculates the Modified Julian Date from the data in the lightcurve and return this time instead of Mission Elapsed Time in the time column /bary : read the barycenter corrected timecolumn 'BARYTIME)' instead. If no such column is present, a warning is printed and the normal timecolumn is read /counts: The lightcurve contains COUNTS/BIN, not the timerate
time : the time column of the lightcurve rate : the measured counting rate (resp. photon-number if the counts keyword is set) column
error : the uncertainty of the count-rate
readlc needs LOTS of memory - this results in problems with huge lightcurves
readlc,time,rate,error,'vela.lc',timerange=[0,1000] readlc,time,rate,filename,ratecol_name='RATE1', errcol_name='ERROR1'
$Log: readlc.pro,v $ Revision 1.5 2006/03/30 08:46:32 barnsted new optional parameters for defining column names Revision 1.4 2005/09/22 12:16:46 wilms switch off annoying information from readfits v1.0 written 1996 by Ingo Kreykenbohm, AIT v2.0 1997/03/04 I.K., J.W.: made error an optional argument to save memory and time; further small optimizations v2.1 2000/01/20 Joern Wilms: added counts keyword v2.2 2000/06/15 JW: cosmetic change in documentation CVS Version 1.3 Joern Wilms, 2001/03/22 improved handling of mjd keyword (now takes into account time column in units other than seconds, improved reading of the MJDREF keyword and its companions).
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