Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
determine pulse profile from phaII data (alternative to fasebin_flc and readpulse_pha2)
X-ray astronomy
PRO phaIIpulse,file,phase,rate,raterr,band=band,eband=eband, $ nobacksub=nobacksub,phaseshift=phaseshift
file: name of the phaII file to be read
band: 2D array containing the lower and upper spectral bin to be used for the computation. Default: use all data phaseshift: return pulse profile shifted in phase (given in units of phase) nobacksub: do not background subtract the data
phase: array containing the phase bins (mid of bin) rate: array containing the corresponding count rates (background subtracted) raterr: ... and their errors (1sigma)
eband: 2D array containing the energy range of the folded profile as determined from the response matrix belonging to the phaII file (if found)
the background file and response matrix must exist.
file='01.01.002/EA7_E_31us_16M_36_1s_ikfb/pca_E_31us_16M_36_1s_excl_ikfb_64.pha' phaIIpulse,file,phase,pulse,pulseerr,band=[0,10],eband=eband print,'Energy band: ',eband loadct,39 plot,phase,pulse,psym=10,/nodata jwoploterr,phase,pulse,pulseerr phaIIpulse,file,phase,pulse,pulseerr,band=[0,10],eband=eband,phaseshift=0.2 jwoploterr,phase,pulse,pulseerr,color=200
$Log:,v $ Revision 1.4 2005/05/14 20:57:12 wilms better error messages for missing backgrounds and responses Revision 1.3 2005/05/10 19:08:52 wilms force all sums to be done in double precision Revision 1.2 2005/05/03 19:58:51 wilms better search for EBOUNDS extension Revision 1.1 2005/03/24 20:32:27 wilms initial version after rename of file from to Revision 1.1 2005/03/24 19:34:27 wilms initial release
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