Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
Return good time interval for given data sets.
env - The fit environment as defined in cafeenv__define. Contains data to be considered in gti expression. range - Expression which defines range of data points to return. Refer caferange procedure for complete description. subgroup - Integer number defining the data set(s) (subgroup) for which the gti is returned. group - Integer number defining the data group for which the gti is returned. Must be in 0..29.
gaps - Take time gaps into account which are defined by non-evenly spacing in the x values of given subgroups (each subgroup is treated separately). The gap is defined by deviation of regular time steps (with bin width = x[1]-x[0] or bt) exceeds the tolerance.
tolerance - Parameter defining the lower limit for the gap length; the reference is the time difference between the first and second entry in the time array; tolerance defines the maximum allowed relative deviation from this reference bin length; default: 1D-8. bt - bin-time of the light curve (default: bt=time[1]-time[0]).
Returns 2-Dim good time array defined as gti[2,*] with gti[0,*] are the start and gti[1,*] are the stop times. If no valid good time interval is found -1 is returned.
The gti list is sorted and no intervals should intersect.
This procedure defines good time intervals (i.e. the range of valid data points) under following assumptions: 1.) start and stop of each data set define the outer gti boundary. 2.) ignored data points and data points not mentioned in range define inner gti boundaries.
$Id:,v 1.3 2004/09/27 21:29:52 goehler Exp $
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