Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
links parameters to other
tie, <param1>[:group1],[:group2],
param1 - The parameter(s) which will be tied to another parameter. This can be either: - The absolute parameter number in the current model. - A parameter number range, defined by the first parameter and last parameter, separated with "-". (e.g. 2-5) - A string designating the parameter name. The parameter name is usually "model:parname". If this parameter name is not unique in current model all matching parameters are tied. Using the parameter name "*" matches all parameters. group1 - The group of param1 to tie to another parameter. This allows bindings across groups. param2 - The parameter to link param1 to. Syntax as param1. Parameter expressions: Additional there is the possibility to use as param2 a complete expression which may contain all valid IDL operators/functions. The parameter are referred with their absolute number in "P(<number>)". It is possible to combine several other Parameters. Example: tie, 5, "0.5*P(2) + sin(P(3))" -> tie parameter 5 with parameters 2 and 3 within a complex formula. group2 - The group of param2. It is not possible for tie expressions to refer to different groups.
Changes parameter tied tag.
> tie, 0:0, 0:1 -> Parameter 0 of group 0 becomes parameter 0 of group 1, i.e. while fitting the first parameter will be changed as the second parameter, and the degree of freedoms will be reduced.
$Id:,v 1.7 2003/11/05 15:10:44 goehler Exp $
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