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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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displays fit results of free parameters
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Displays fit results for all groups. These are parameter - All used parameters with - parameter number in given group - model number to which the parameter belongs to (in brackets) - name of the parameter - current value - error value of the parameter. This is usually the error estimated from the diagonal elements of the Hessian retrieved from last fit. This error value has to be used with care! If the "error" command was executed before the error is the result of the error command. Tied/fixed parameters are not shown. chi^2 - The Chi square value from last fit. DOF - Degree of freedoms, i.e. the number of defined data points reduced by the number of free parameters (which are neither fixed or tied to other parameters). Chi^2_red - Reduced Chi square value; the chi^2 divided by the degree of freedom. Should be near 1 for a good fit. Goodness_of_fit - The probability that the fit may contain larger values of chi^2. Should be close to 1 for a good fit.
$Id: cafe_show_free.pro,v 1.10 2004/09/27 19:40:32 goehler Exp $
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