Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
do not plot anything
plot type
group - (optional) Define the data group to plot. Default is the primary group 0. Must be in range [0..9]. distinct - (optional) Plot frame in different color if some plot types are add in a single panel. deltacolor - Color difference for distinct data sets. deltalinestyle - Increase of line styles for distinct data sets. Default: 0 (no change). deltapsym - Increase of point symbols for distinct data sets. May be positive or negative integer number. Default: 0 (no change). If psym exceeds -7..7 it will be set at 0 (no symbol). Therefore it is recomended to plot data sets with lines with a negative deltapsym (to decrease and restart from 0).
empty - Do not plot. Useful for frame creation as placeholder. Range is taken from valid data set.
> plot, empty, model -> nothing above, but model below.
$Id:,v 1.10 2004/07/30 17:17:26 goehler Exp $
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