Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
plot data with filled axis, adding some information.
plot type
group - (optional) Define the data group to plot. Default is current group. Must be in range [0..29].
datafill - plots the data of group given by filling the axis till lower end . X/Y ranges are kept. Undefined points are ignored. Error bars are drawn if requested.
Apart from IDL oplot keywords following special are defined: barcolor - Expression which defines the color to use for the filled area. The expression should return values between 0 and 1. Possible identifier are: X, Y, model[:group] while x/y are normalized at 0..1. trace - Plot white line on top of color bars. error - Do plot error bars. norange - Do not compute range (auxiliary data). Should not be used if single plot type. gaps - Do not connect datapoints which are gaps in respect of a regular x base. It is assumed that the periodicity is defined by x[1] - x[0]. gaptol - Defines above which x difference gaps are recognized. Must be given in units of binning width=x[1] - x[0]. Default is 0.1 = 10%. distinct - Plot each subgroup file with a different color. xbin - Plot bin width of each data point. If no dx column is given the half distance between two data points is used. witherrorrange - Include error ranges into range determination. deltacolor - Color difference for distinct data sets. deltalinestyle - Increase of line styles for distinct data sets. Default: 0 (no change). deltapsym - Increase of point symbols for distinct data sets. May be positive or negative integer number. Default: 0 (no change). If psym exceeds -7..7 it will be set at 0 (no symbol). Therefore it is recomended to plot data sets with lines with a negative deltapsym (to decrease and restart from 0).
This style uses the procedure PLOTCOLORFILL developed by C.Markwardt which contributed much to CAFE by developing the mpfit routines.
> plot, datafill[barcolor=y] -> data displayed as is.
$Id:,v 1.6 2004/07/30 17:17:25 goehler Exp $
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