Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
compute radial velocity of a binary system as a function of orbital phase or time (if t0 or t90 are given)
vel=binradvel(phase,k=k,period=period,asini=asini,eccen=eccen, $ omega=omega,gamma=gamma,degrees=degrees)
phase: array with the orbital phase points (from 0 to 1) for which the radial velocity is to be computed; if t0 or t90 are given: time in days (same time system as t0 or t90) k : velocity amplitude of the system asini: value of a sin i in kilometers period: orbital period, in days NOTE: either k or both, asini and period, must be given
t0 : epoch of periastron (see above, description of "phase" argument) t90 : epoch when mean longitude = 90 degrees omega: longitude of periastron (little omega; radians, default: 0.) eccen: eccentricity (default: 0.) gamma: systemic velocity (same units as k or in km/s; default:0.)
degrees: if set, angular arguments are in degrees instead of radian
the function returns the radial velocity as a function of the phase in the units of k or of asini/period
* the eccentricity must be 0<=e<1 * only one of the arguments t0 and t90 is allowed
See chapter 3 of R.W. Hilditch, An Introduction to Close Binary Stars, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001
Radial Velocity of HR7000 (Hilditch, Fig. 3.27; Griffin et al., 1997, Fig. 2) npt=100 phase=findgen(npt)/(npt-1) vel=binradvel(phase,k=21.68,gamma=-22.52,eccen=0.372,omega=306.5,/degrees) ; Show two orbits for clarity pp=[phase,1.+phase] vv=[vel,vel] plot,pp,vv,xtitle='Orbital Phase',ytitle='Radial Velocity [km/s]' xrange=!x.crange oplot,xrange,[0.,0.],linestyle=2
$Log:,v $ Revision 1.2 2005/02/18 21:41:23 wilms * added t0 and t90 arguments Revision 1.1 2002/09/09 14:52:04 wilms initial release
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