Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
binarypos,time,pos,asini=asini,porb=porb,eccentricity=ecc,omega=omega_d, $ t90=t90,t0=t0, pporb=pporb,limit=limit
time : event time (MJD)
Mandatory: porb : Orbital period at the epoch [same units as time argument] eccentricity : Eccentricity, (0<=e<1) omega : Longitude of periastron [degrees] mandatory for spectroscopic binaries: asini : Projected semi-major axis (a sin i), Mandatory for spectroscopic binaries, give it in light seconds (a sini/c) if you want to compute a time correction mandatory for visual binaries: semi : semimajor axis bigomega: Longitude of the ascending node [degrees] incl : inclination [degrees] the epoch is given by one of the following: T0 : epoch for mean longitude of 0 degrees (periastron, MJD) T90 : epoch for mean longitude of 90 degrees (MJD) T90 and T0 have to be in days and in the same time system as time (e.g. JD or MJD) Circular orbits: * if time of lower conjunction Tlow is known, set T0=Tlow and omega=0 * if time of ascending node is known, Tasc, set T90=Tasc and omega=0 * if time of mid eclipse is known, Tecl, set T0=Tecl-0.5*porb and omega=0
pporb: rate of change of the orbital period (s/s)
pos : spectroscopic binaries: 1d array containing the z position of the object (negative: closer to Earth) visual binaries: 3d array containing the xyz position of the object in a right handed coordinate system where the z axis points away from Earth, the x axis points towards the North Celestial Pole, and where the y-axis increases towards East.
Follows equations from Hilditch's book
;; reproduce Hilditch, Fig. 2.11 ;; (without the pulse delay ;; B1913+16 asini=2.3371 ;; lt-sec ecc=0.627 porb=27906.98d0 ;; seconds omega=178.9 ;; degrees t0=0d0 ;; arbitrary tstart=-0.2*porb tstop=+1.2*porb npt=200 time=tstart+(tstop-tstart)*findgen(npt)/(npt-1) binarypos,time,pos,asini=asini,eccentricity=ecc,omega=omega, $ t0=t0,porb=porb plot,time/porb,pos,xstyle=1,yrange=[-4.,+4.],ystyle=1 ;; reproduce Hilditch Fig. 214 ;; (there is a sign problem!) ecc=0.6 semi=1. incl=30. omega=0. bigomega=135. porb=1. t0=0. npt=100. time=dindgen(npt)/(npt-1) binarypos,time,pos,eccentricity=ecc,omega=omega, $ t0=t0,porb=porb,semi=semi,bigomega=bigomega,incl=incl ;; NB: x-coordinate is towards NORTH! ;; plot such that East is on the left (telescopic sight) plot,pos[1,*],-pos[0,*], $ xrange=[-1.6,+1.6], $ yrange=[-1.6,+1.6], $ xstyle=1,ystyle=1
$Log:,v $ Revision 1.1 2005/05/25 16:08:22 wilms initial release
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