Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany | | NO EXPLANATION |
BARYCEN | Convert geocentric modified Julian date (MJD) to helio bary centric Julian date. | | NO EXPLANATION | | NO EXPLANATION |
binradvel | compute radial velocity of a binary system as a function of orbital phase or time (if t0 or t90 are given) | | NO EXPLANATION |
get_jdstr | Convert Julian Date into date and time strings appropriate for FITS files and return string |
jdstr | Convert Julian Date into date and time strings appropriate for FITS files |
keplereq | Solve Kepler's Equation |
mkpickobj | Get positional, orbital, and pulse period information for a given object name. |
orbitplot | make plot of orbit in binary star system. Observers look at the orbit from the left and the companion circles the star in the clockwise direction |
sun_angdist | calculate the angular separation between the Sun and a celestial body |
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