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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Lecture on High Energy Astrophysics WS 2013/14


Radio Pulsar Sketch
Sketch of the environment of a rotation-powered pulsar. From Chaisson / McMillan, Astronomy Today

The goal of this lecture is to provide an overview of the processes in celestial objects that lead to high energy radiation (X-ray up to very high energy gamma radiation). A main focus of the lecture lies on the radiation mechanisms themselves (e.g. black body radiation, synchrotron radiation). Since the photon energy spectra are intimately related to the state of the matter which releases the radiation (e.g. an accretion disc in a binary system, plasma heated by supernova remnant shocks), we will also introduce some astrophysical processes and environments that produce the highly energetic states of matter. As a matter of fact, those processes are what we want to study when observing high energy spectra of celestial bodies.

The lecture will cover the following topics:

The lecture is not limited to exploring electromagnetic radiation as source of information, other messengers (especially particles) will also eventually be discussed.

The lecture will be given by Dr. M. Sasaki and Dr. G. Pühlhofer, with Prof. A. Santangelo.

Accompanying exercises will be offered, supervised by Dr. D. Klochkov.



Basismodul Astronomie or comparable introductory course in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

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Gerd Pühlhofer | Impressum
Last modified 03 Jul 2013
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