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Preprint 13d/99

Her X-1: Correlation between the histories of the 35 d cycle and the 1.24 sec pulse period

R. Staubert, S. Schandl, J. Wilms

Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Astronomie, Universität Tübingen, Waldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany

To appear in: Proc. of the 5th Compton Symposium, ed. M. McConnell

Abstract. In Her X-1 the history of the 35 day turn-ons is strongly correlated with the histories of the 1.24 s pulsations and the X-ray ux. We suggest a common origin for these correlated variations, namely a variable mass transfer rate.

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Paper (55k gzip'ed Postscript including figures)

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