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Abteilung Astronomie

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Preprint 09c/02

Four Numerical Approaches for Solving the Radiative Transfer Equation in Magnetized White-Dwarf Atmospheres

Stefan Jordan (1), Holger Schmidt (2)

(1) Universität Tübingen, Germany
(2) Universität Kiel, Germany

In: Workshop on Stellar Atmosphere Modeling, held 8-12 April 2002 in Tübingen, Germany. Editors: I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas, K. Werner, ASP Conference Series 288, 625 (2003)

Abstract. We compare four different methods to calculate radiative transfer through a magnetized stellar atmosphere, and apply them to the case of magnetic white dwarfs. All methods are numerically stable enough to allow determination of the magnetic field structure, but distinctions between faster, simplifying, methods, and elaborate, but more CPU-time consuming, methods, can be made.


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