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Preprint 04/02

H1504+65 - The Naked Stellar C/O Core of a Former Red Giant Observed with FUSE and Chandra

Klaus Werner (1), Thomas Rauch (1), Martin A. Barstow (2), Jeff W. Kruk (3)

(1) Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Astronomie, Universität Tübingen, Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
(2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, UK
(3) Department of Physics and Astronomy, JHU, Baltimore MD, U.S.A.

In: Exotic Stars as Challenges to Evolution, IAU Coll. 187, eds. C.A. Tout, W. Van Hamme, The ASP Conference Series, in press

Abstract. H1504+65 is an extremely hot hydrogen-deficient white dwarf with an effective temperature close to 200 000 K. We present new FUV and soft X-ray spectra obtained with FUSE and Chandra, which confirm that H1504+65 has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon and oxygen. The Chandra spectra show a wealth of absorption lines from highly ionized oxygen, neon and magnesium and suggest relatively high Ne and Mg abundances. This corroborates an earlier suggestion that H1504+65 represents a naked C/O stellar core or even the C/O envelope of a O-Ne-Mg white dwarf.

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Paper (196k gzip'ed Postscript including figures) (astro-ph/0205075)

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