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Preprint 03/99

HST spectroscopy of hot hydrogen deficient white dwarfs

S. Dreizler

Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Astronomie, Universität Tübingen, Waldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany

1999, Proc. 11th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, (J.-E.Solheim, E.G. Meistas, eds.), ASP Conference Series 169, 499-504

Abstract. In this paper I want to summarize our recent progress in the understanding of hot hydrogen deficient white dwarfs. I will concentrate on results based on HST spectroscopy which we used to better constrain the boundary of the GW Vir instability strip and to understand the transition from the PG 1159 stars to the DO white dwarfs. In this context I introduce my new self-consistent NLTE diffusion model atmospheres for white dwarfs.

Key words: PG 1159 stars, DO White Dwarfs, UV spectroscopy, Asteroseismology, Diffusion

Paper (218k gzip'ed Postscript including figures)

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