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Abteilung Astronomie

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Preprint 01a/02

Calculation of Synthetic Ionizing Spectra for Planetary Nebulae

Thomas Rauch (1)

(1) Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Astronomie, Universität Tübingen, Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany

in: M. Dopita et al. (eds.): Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Role in the Universe. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 2XX (2002)

Abstract. We present a new grid (solar and halo abundance ratios) of state-of-the-art fully line-blanketed NLTE model atmospheres which covers the parameter range of central stars of planetary nebulae. The grid is available at the WWW.

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Paper (63k gzip'ed Postscript including figures)

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