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Abteilung Astronomie

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Preprint F/12

Constraints of the compactness of the isolated neutron stars via X-ray phase-resolved spectroscopy

V. Hambaryan (1), V. Suleimanov (2), R. Neuhaeuser (1), K. Werner (2)

(1) University of Jena
(2) University of Tübingen

To be published in: Proceedings of IAUS 291 "Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Challenges and Opportunities after 80 years"

Abstract. A model with a condensed iron surface and partially ionized hydrogen-thin atmosphere allows us to fit simultaneously the observed general spectral shape and the broad absorption feature (observed at 0.3 keV) in different spin phases of the isolated neutron star RBS 1223. We constrain some physical properties of the X-ray emitting areas, i.e. the temperatures (Tpole1 ~ 105eV, Tpole2 ~99eV), magnetic field strengths Bpole1 ~ Bpole2 ~ 8.6x1013G) at the poles, and their distribution parameters (a1 ~ 0.61, a2 ~ 0.29, indicating an absence of strong toroidal magnetic field component). In addition, we are able to place some constraints on the geometry of the emerging X-ray emission and the gravitational redshift (z ~0.16+0.03-0.01) of the isolated neutron star RBS 1223.

Astrophysics (astro-ph): 1211.1842

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