I. Caballero (1), P. Kretschmar (2), A. Santangelo (1), A. Segreto (3), C. Ferrigno (3), R. Staubert (1)
(1) AIT, University of Tübingen, Sand 1, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
(2) ISOC, ESAC (ESA), PO Box 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain
(3) Instituto di Astrofisica Spaziale (IASF-INAF), Palermo, Italy
ESA SP-622, 471-474 (2007)
Abstract. The Be/X-ray binary 1A 0535+262 was discovered in 1975 during a giant outburst. Afterwards it has shown periods of quiescence (flux below 10 mCrab), normal outbursts (10 mCrab-1Crab) and occasionally giant outbursts (several Crab). Ending 11 years of quiescence, the last giant outburst took place in May/June 2005, but the source was too close to the Sun to be observed by most satellites. A subsequent normal outburst took place in August 2005, which was observed by INTEGRAL and RXTE TOO observations. Based on INTEGRAL data, we present results on the long term pulse period history of the source, on their energy dependent pulse profiles and on phase resolved spectra.
Key words: neutron stars; X-ray binaries; X-ray pulsars; 1A 0535+262
Preprint (168 kb PDF file including figures)
Astrophysics (astro-ph): 0801.3897
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